Experiencing An Unexpected pregnancy? Let Us Help:

Need to Know Your Options?

We believe every woman deserves the right to be educated on her pregnancy options.

Please view this link to see what pregnancy services are available in your area so that you can connect with a community of support and care with people who will walk with you through gaining information, assisting a pregnancy, help you understand the full range of options, and provide the support and resources needed to feel fully empowered and informed.

Let My Choice Network help you find a Pregnancy Resource Center in your area.

Pregnancy Resource Centers are a great place to go to receive care for you and your unborn child.

Adoption Options:

There are several different types of adoption arrangements. You may have heard stories about women who went away to homes, had their babies, and then never saw them ever again. While those types of adoptions did happen many years ago, that’s not what adoption looks like today.

3 Ways You Can Make a Difference:

  • What will happen? It will help make abortion unthinkable within your church.  How? Make it a priority for family, friends, and the church you attend, to understand who the prenatal BABY is by viewing and posting them on social media. Encourage your pastor to view and endorse BLB’s from the pulpit. It’s family friendly, non-controversal truth, and then ask all to regularly PRAY for Mom, Baby, and the Fathers. This is the antidote to the peer pressure to abort Baby.  We must get ahead of the cultural pressure curve! The culture dehumanizes, you proclaim baby is made in the image of God through humanizing baby. Gen 1:27. All Sunday school classes should see and discuss them. Will you lead that?  Persist until most have seen and discussed it.  Have the Mom’s in the church spread the message via social media.  It should spread rapidly and be a testimony to other churches. Ps 139

  • That is being a missionary right here at home using discipleship to save babies and Mom’s. You are already trained in social media! This is an application of The Good Samaritan, Luke 10:25-37. It is ‘feet-work’ and ‘on-site’ Prayer work. You will be seen as approachable, safe, and others will open up, share, and lead to hope and healing. To Christian and the non-Christian. Activate everyone in your fellowship to be a witness against the evil of abortion to the community and the world at large by sharing the humanity of the preborn thru social media.

  • It is the power of pictures and seeing the baby’s heart beating. Remember, this culture think thru their eyes and acts through their emotions. Your are the advocate for the voiceless. And the reality we only have 3 to 30 secs to get someone’s attention.  You, through social media, have that opportunity.  That is why our baby content is short, quick, powerful, and (because we/you pray) persuasive. Lives are saved. Prov 24:11-12